Use motion sensors to control your lights |
I wanted to use a motion sensor to control the lights in my front
yard, but most the the X10 enabled motion sensors I found were
wireless and ran on batteries (except for the motion sensitive
floodlights which required their own junction box). I also wanted
a system that I could set up and not worry about. Even though the
battery life in my motion sensor was 11 months, it was a real drag to monitor and
change batteries in the sensor. The solution was
a solar powered X10 motion sensor, and I looked and looked, but could
not find one available for purchase. I did, however, come across a
site with very simple design plans for modufying an existing sensor
for solar power.
X10 Motion sensors are readily available from
As shipped, the X10 motion sensors require 2 aaa batteries, which will need to be periodically replaced. If the sensor will be in a location that gets some amount of direct sunlight, you can replace the batteries with rechargeable batteries and modify the sensor to add a small solar panel to recharge the battery from sunlight. The cost of this modification will be around $15, but it will save you the time and expense of regularly replacing the batteries in the detector. I did not design this modification myself, and in order to give credit where it is due, I am providing a link to Chuck Coelman's page on the Solar HawkEye where you can find details. In his tutorial, he modifies a HawkEye sensors (an indoor detector), but the same modification applies to the ActiveEye as well. About this site:This site is intended to bring together in one place, information and links that are useful to those adding technology to their homes. I am a new user of these technologies, and ask for help from anyone that can correct any information I might post, or who has additional links or resources to suggest. |